Darefore and Garmin

This user guide will show you how to connect your Darefore sensor and account with your Garmin device, allowing you to receive real-time feedback on your cycling positions while riding.

Optimize Your Athlete's Cycling Posture with Your Garmin Device

  • Track torso angle in real-time: Gain precise insights into your athletes’ position and identify areas for improvement.
  • Analyze performance data: Correlate changes in position with power output, speed, and other key metrics.
  • Create personalized training plans: Develop targeted workouts to optimize body position and enhance performance. 

By leveraging the power of Darefore, you can ensure your athletes are riding in the most optimal position for their individual physiology and riding style, striking the perfect balance between performance, comfort, and aerodynamics.

Darefore coach

Unlock Valuable Data While You Ride with Your Garmin Device

Imagine having a personal cycling coach by your side during every ride, providing real-time data and insights. With the Darefore Connect IQ app on your Garmin device, that vision becomes a reality.

This app seamlessly integrates with your Garmin, displaying key data fields right on your screen. Track your cycling performance metrics in real-time, analyze them directly on your Garmin, and gain immediate insights into your ride. 

Streamline Your Cycling Experience with Your Garmin Device

Juggling multiple apps and platforms can be a hassle. Darefore simplifies your cycling experience by offering a seamless connection with your Garmin device. Once you connect your Darefore and Garmin accounts, managing bike settings and analyzing ride data becomes effortless.

Access all your cycling information from one centralized location, saving you time and streamlining your journey to becoming a better cyclist.

Ready to Get Started?

Follow these steps to connect your Darefore sensor and account with your Garmin device:

Download the app from the Connect IQ: Click  here or scan the QR code with your phone.

Create and setup your account on Darefore: hub.darefore.com

Create at least one bike entity on Settings/Bikes

Find you Darefore Unique ID in the  Hub or in the App (Settings/ Connected Apps)

Then find also your Sensor ID as written behind the Darefore sensor.

Open the Connect IQ app on your phone, connect to your Garmin device, Go to My Data Fields / Settings, and input the Unique ID and Sensor ID.

Now your Connect IQ account is connected with your Darefore account, and you will be able to use the bike settings as you have set them in your Darefore account.

Personalize your Darefore experience on GARMIn


Now that you’ve connected your Darefore sensor and account to your Garmin device, you can personalize your experience to maximize its benefits. The Darefore Connect IQ app allows you to:

  • Fine-tune feedback: Enable audio tones to receive an audible beep whenever you achieve an ideal cycling position. This real-time feedback can help you refine your posture more effectively.
  • Choose your data view: Select the specific data fields you want displayed on your Garmin screen. This allows you to focus on the metrics most important to you, such as position detection, power output, or cadence

The following steps will guide you through configuring these settings and managing your cycling profiles on your Garmin device.

  • Open the Connect Garmin app and make sure that your phone is near your device.
  • Go to your device. Open Settings / Activity Profiles and either create a new Profile or Open an existing profile / Data Screens / Add New / Data Screen / Connect IQ / Darefore and Done.
  • To change the bike and/or the data fields you want to see on your screen go Settings / Activity Profiles / Select a profile / Data Screen / Select the screen with the Darefore Connect IQ Data Field / Connect IQ Data Field / Darefore.

The selection of bike also defines the cycling positions that are being captured, presented and analyzed.

Road bike positions:

  • Comfortable
  • Aggressive
  • TT
  • Lower than TT
  • Standing

TT bike positions:

  • Comfortable
  • TT
  • Lower than TT
  • Standing

Ready to Ride with Darefore?

Ready, Set, GO!

Now that you’ve configured your Darefore and Garmin connection, it’s time to hit the road (or trail)! This section walks you through the recording process, guiding you from sensor activation to saving your ride data.

Important! Make sure your sensor is NOT connected as Heart Rate Sensor. If it is, then remove it. Do not connect it using the “Add Sensor”.  

1. Your device is scanning for sensors. It is able to connect ONLY with your sensor This could take a few seconds. To wake up your sensor just move it. 

2. Your sensor has been found and a connection between your device and the sensor is being established. This could take a few seconds.

3. The connection is ready. After pressing the Start button, stay for 3 seconds in Straight Arms position as show in the illustration.

4. The recording of your cycling position has been started!

  • Current Cycling Position: The screen displays the name of the current cycling position (e.g., comfortable, aggressive, TT). The position name likely appears in green if it falls within the ideal biomechanical range for that specific position.
  • Upper/Lower Limit: A horizontal bar represents the acceptable range for angles in this position. Values on either side of the bar could indicate the upper and lower limit angles for each position.
  • Body Inclination Degrees: A value in degrees below the bar shows the current body inclination angle of the cyclist.
  • Select Your Presented Fields: The four fields below allow users to display additional data points relevant to their needs. These fields could be customized to show metrics like power output, cadence or speed.

5. Stop and save the session. To reset the connection with the sensor we suggest switching profiles.

6. You can see all the analytics of the session either on your Connect account or at the hub.darefore.com

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